Auto Locksmith in Barnard Castle 24/7

If you are looking for car locksmith services in Barnard Castle, you have come to the right place.

Phoenix Car Keys provides a full range of vehicle locksmith services in Barnard Castle, such as: mobile car key replacement and programming, emergency non-damage car unlocking and ignition barrel replacement.

For more information or to book a service, just call us:ย 

car locksmith nerby

Car Key Replacement and other vehicle locksmith services in Barnard Castle

If you are in any part of Barnard Castle and have any problems with your car key, just call us on 03330065210 and we will help you!

Feel free to contact us if you need help with any of the following issues:

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Car locksmith services in Barnard Castle 24/7

Car Key Replacement

Making a new car key to replace a lost or broken one in 1 day.

Emergency Car Unlocking

Non-damage car unlocking using modern equipment.

Spare Car Key

We make spare keys for over 90% of cars available in the UK.

Car Key Programming

Car key programming and reprogramming.


What do our customers say?

Impeccable customer service is the hallmark of Phoenix Car Keys. We value our reputation and do everything to give our beloved customers exactly what they need.

Most popular questions

Frequently Ask Questions.

Find the answer to your question in this section.

We we can help you in any part of the Barnard Castle.

The price depends on the type of work, the make and model of the car, and the location of your car.

It depends on the workload of our specialist, as well as your location.

Sometimes we can provide you with two options: emergency and non-emergency arrival of our locksmith.

Yes, we cooperate with Klana and you can split the payment into three equal parts if necessary.

Yes, we generally provide a 12 month warranty on the keys we produce.

Car Key Problems in Barnard Castle? We are here to help!

If you are in Barnard Castle and have any problems with your car key, ignition switch or door lock, you can be sure that you are on the right site!
Phoenix Car Keys provides a full range of vehicle locksmith services in Barnard Castle, such as:

  1. Car key replacement and programming. Whether you have lost your only car key, it has been stolen or broken, our mobile car locksmith will be at any point in Barnard Castle and the surrounding area 24/7, cut, program and test a new key for your car as soon as possible.
  2. Car unlocking service (emergency car locksmith Barnard Castle). If you have accidentally locked your key inside your car and do not have a spare, simply call us any time of day or night and we will restore access to your car within 30 minutes of calling. When unlocking your car door, we use only the latest equipment and only non-damage methods, which ensures that your car will not be damaged in any way during the work of our locksmith.
  3. Spare car key. If you need a spare key made, also just call us. Our locksmith will quickly and efficiently make a second car key for you. All our locksmiths are mobile, which means that you do not have to travel to us. We will come to you, make and program a spare car key at a time convenient for you.
  4. Ignition barrel replacement and repair. If you have a problem with the ignition barrel or ignition switch while using your car, then you are only one call away from solving this problem to Phoenix Car Keys.

Professional Car Key Specialist in Barnard Castle

It does not matter where you have a problem with your car key or lock: near your home or in the surrounding areas of Barnard Castle: Phoenix Car Keys is here to assist you in solving this problem.
Here are just a few reasons why car owners from all over the UK trust our business:

  • The best customer service without compromise. When you contact us, you are guaranteed to receive the best service, starting from the first call and ending with the solution of the problem. Before you know it, you will decide to leave 5* about our company on Trustpilot or Google My Business. Thousands of customers from all over the UK are happy with our work and we will do everything to make sure that you become the next customer who will also be happy after the experience of working with us.
  • The best car locksmiths. It does not matter if you are in Barnard Castle or any other town, village or city in the UK, you can be sure that the auto locksmith of the highest qualification will come to you to do the work.
  • Only the most modern equipment. In the process of work, our specialists use only the latest equipment, which has all the necessary quality certificates.
  • 12 months warranty on a new car key. When you order a new car key in Barnard Castle, you not only get a key that is indistinguishable from the original key, but also a 12-month official guarantee (yes, just like when ordering a car key from a dealer).
  • Speed. If you usually have to wait 2-3 weeks for a new key when you go to an official car dealer, we can make a new key for you the same day or the next day after your call.

Phoenix Car Keys in Barnard Castle: your best car key assistant

To get a quick consultation or to order the services of a car locksmith in Barnard Castle, just give us a call on the 24-hour hotline number 03330065210. Our claim handler will be happy to answer all your questions, tell you about the process of performing the work, accept payment and book the nearest (or most convenient for you) slot for you. You can also fill out the callback form on the “Contact Us” page and we will call you back within one minute.
Contact us now, and we promise to get you back on the road rapidly.